Instruments for including constraints are easy to use and conveniently situated on a brand new Parametric ribbon bar. As you add geometric constraints to an object, each constraint appears on a constraint bar adjoining to that object. Whenever you transfer your cursor over a constraint, its related geometry is highlighted. Constraint bars will be moved or hidden. To take away a constraint, you simply choose and delete its icon from the constraint bar. AutoCAD 2010 supports 12 various kinds of geometric constraints: coincident, collinear, concentric, fix, parallel, perpendicular, horizontal, vertical, tangent, clean, symmetric, and equal.
It's also possible to significantly automate the method of applying constraints using the Auto Constrain tool. Auto Constrain applies constraints to selected geometry that falls within specified tolerances. For instance, if you choose a rectangle, Auto Constrain generates acceptable coincident, horizontal, parallel, and perpendicular constraints.
Dimensional constraints put limits on measurements of geometry. AutoCAD 2010 helps seven sorts of dimensional constraints-linear, aligned, horizontal, vertical, angular, radial, and diameter-much like the totally different sorts of dimensions. Dimensional constraints could be displayed as a name, a value, or an expression. A small lock icon appears adjoining to dimensional constraints to help differentiate them from common dimensions. Like geometric constraints, dimensional constraints could be easily moved, hidden, or deleted.
Operating System: Windows Vista, Windows Xp (SP2), Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, or Windows Vista 64-bit
CPU: Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 2.2GHz or greater or Intel or AMD Dual Core 1.6GHz or greater (3.0GHz or greater recommended for Vista or 3D modeling; AMD64 or Intel EM64T processor for 64-bit version)
Memory: 1GB RAM minimum (2GB for Vista, 3D modeling, or 64-bit version)
Video: 1024 x 768 VGA with true color minimum (1280 x 1024 with 128MB video RAM and OpenGL or Direct3D recommended 3D modeling, Direct3D and 128MB video RAM required for Windows Vista)
Other: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or higher)